It's officially that time of year again. The week of Christmas is finally here and my most favorite month of the year, which happens to be not only my birthday month, but also the most wonderful time of year. The month of December has been on and popping for a few weeks now. And, it's been about all things holiday festive, merry and bright, warm, cozy, and fuzzy, twinkling lights and all of the magic that the holiday season brings.
Now before you all get upset with me for my long absence of delivering a blogpost to you all...allow me to address the elephant in the room. I did give everyone a forewarning back in June that I'd be heading back to coordinate a TV Series for 20th Century Fox starring Kim Cattrall titled #FilthyRich. This year alone has been an extremely busy year for me with one project after another. I began the year off with a four week break and vacation right after wrapping up Associate Producing Season 2 of Southern Charm: New Orleans for Bravo TV. During my break, I received a call to work on several other shows but settled on joining the production team to coordinate logistics for Filthy Rich. We prepped and shot the Pilot earlier this year over the course of a few months, and then took a three month hiatus to wait for the green light to continue on with filming the full first season. And, although there was a three month hiatus in between then and life and schedule was still quite busy as it was filled with all things Allured By Design!! Creating, developing, prepping for and producing one design project after another...All while simultaneously working to balance my film career as well. Trust me when I tell you it's NO EASY FEAT at all. But to whom much is given, much is also required.
The human part of me definitely tends to complain throughout the process because there are times I crave for my life to slow down just a bit. However, I realize with each passing day...I truly have so very much to be thankful for as not everyone can do what I do, or are given the opportunities to do what I do. So for that reason alone, I allow myself to feel what I feel, complain and get frustrated if I must. Yet, continue pushing and moving forward nonetheless because I realize my dreams will only manifest if I put the hard work in and allow God to do the rest. In addition, I believe that my dreams are not just about me but also about all of the talented people that are connected to my dreams...some I know and some I have yet to meet. So for myself, my household and everyone connected to a blessing through me...I continue to rise to the occasion, grind, hustle, conquer and manifest all that God has in store for me and everyone else.
And, with that being the much as I heavily considered not writing a holiday blogpost this year due to my insane schedule and simply just releasing all of the visual photo content via my social media platforms; I made the decision that I simply just needed to keep up and deliver what I know soooooooo many of you love to receive every holiday season from me. Now I will say that I have some pretty big things on the horizon for 2020 and at some point, even releasing my popular and favored Christmas Holiday blogpost may become something I can no longer deliver. But rest assured, I will always do my absolute best to deliver something to you guys. Be it just photos through my social media platforms, video content or whatever. Something will definitely come your way regardless because that's just how I roll and how I plan to continue to roll.
So with that being case...let's get into some of the details and of course the gorgeous photos!!!
To my day 1's, ya'll already know how I do and how I like to set things up before I even begin sharing the photos. So I'm sure you know what's next. Yep, you guessed it...the opening line that leads into rolling out all of the photos.
Welcome to House Piazza Holiday Festive Christmas

Sources + Creative Credits:
Interior Design & Styling: Allured By Design Photography: Stacy Marks Makeup: Javetta White Location: House Piazza Handsome Italiano Husband: Charlie Piazza Creative Direction & Produced By: Tachic Hickman-Piazza
Each year my holiday photoshoots are becoming bigger and bigger. To the point that the labor and prep that goes into it, to the actual photo shoot day itself, down to the post production days of combing through millions of photos and narrowing down which will make the cut can all become extremely overwhelming. Indeed it's a LOT of work!!! But remember I said to whom much is given, much is required. So I always have to put on my big girl boots and make it do what it do. I realized last year that my holiday photoshoots generally produces the largest volume of photos.
My primary photographer, Stacy Marks always brings his A game for the seasonal shoots and just goes completely ham snapping up a bajillion photos. There's always far too many photos for me to share in one single blogpost because it would one make the post itself far too long. In addition, it may overwhelm you guys in the same way it does for me, to be frank. Now I know some bloggers tend to break up their holiday content into multiple blogposts throughout the holiday season, which I think is AMAZING and commendable even.
However, what I can unapologetically say is "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That! At least I most certainly don't. So what I decided to do different this year to make sure I truly put forth my best effort into really sharing all of the holiday styling details with you all in an even better and more creative way than just providing you with inspirational design photos...I produced my first ever holiday video shoot for my brand. And, I believe the video takes the work that I do in my home for the holidays to a whole different level. Many of you have already seen the video, as it was first released on December 1st on my IGTV & Vimeo channels. But for those of you who haven't, if you don't believe play and see for yourself.
Sources + Creative Credits:
Interior Design & Styling: Allured By Design Videography & Editing: Black Dragon Imagery Photography: Stacy Marks Makeup: Javetta White Location: House Piazza Handsome Italiano Husband: Charlie Piazza Creative Direction & Produced By: Tachic Hickman-Piazza
To the day that I die, I will always work to merge both of my careers and two of my greatest passions...Film & Design together. That is EXACTLY what this video represents!!! And, of course the celebration of the holidays. It's so well shot, so well edited, so creative and aesthetically pleasing, and very well produced I might add. 😉🤪😉 I could not be more happy with how amazing this video turned out and I'm even more ecstatic I made the decision to produce one for you. I hired the genius of an amazing Videographer who listened to my vision, did research on my brand and my design aesthetic, brought his A game along with all equipment needed for the shoot, came into my home and enjoyed every minute of filming every possible angle we could capture...All to tell the story of what the holidays are like in my home, #HousePiazza.
As many of you all know each year my home bares a holiday theme. Last year was all about the gorgeous pops of decadent hues of reds. With the previous year being all about everything bright, shimmery, golden, glittery and shiny.
To view last year's Christmas blogpost, click here. To view just the photos alone from last year in my holiday design gallery, click here. To view the year before last Christmas blogpost, click here. And, to view just the photos alone from that year as well, click here.
However, this year I was really torn between choosing one look over the other. I fell so hard for the reds last year that it was a huge emotional conflict to part from it. And, then on the flip-side I really craved the beauty of warmer golden holiday tones mixed in and loaded with ivories, winter whites and of course hues of blue as well. So I decided to just go for it and instead of choosing one theme over the other...make them ALL work in the best way I could.

This was extremely different for me and a bit of a stretch having various themes going on in different rooms, as I prefer to keep the same running holiday theme throughout. But, I must say...I'm thoroughly pleased with how it all came out. Winter whites and metallics in my MasterBedroom. Blues, deep hues of reds, warm winter whites, golden neutrals, pearls and ivories and loads of sparkles and metallics in my Blue Living Room.

And, then there's my Home Office which features my new and 2nd tree thanks to my collaboration with King of Christmas. This particular tree is such a beauty to behold and is truly breathtaking in every single way. Stacy and I did a lot of prep shots of this tree, which was part of my contract/agreement with King of take photos of the naked tree so all of my followers and more can get a really good visual of the product itself. And, even bare this tree is still such a STUNNER!

My specific tree is the 7.5 King Flock Slim Artificial Tree with 500 Warm White LED Lights. While I'm sure most of you already have your Christmas trees up this year...You can always start early for next year and order your very own King of Christmas Tree and receive a 10% off discount when using my code: ALLUREDBYDESIGN. In addition to a tree, all holiday decor and accents are also 10% off to all of my family, followers and friends when applying my special discount code. To take advantage and start shopping, click here.
For the King of Christmas tree, as you can see I went even darker with my reds and introduced burgundy and rouge. I paired that with beautiful greys, winter whites, and lots of golds and metallics. For me and my Husband, this tree could not have come out any more beautiful. We're truly amazed at the sheer wonder and beauty of the snowy flock on the tree itself. But once I added in all of the gorgeous ornaments to the tree and the rich velvet burgundy was a total game changer. Took it to a whole new level.

And, just like that I had three different themes going on in various rooms in my home. Yet, somehow all working festively together. However what remained consistent in every room was winter white. Because my Husband and I take advantage of using my brand's holiday photo shoot as our own personal Christmas shoot as well...I thought it made sense for us to be decked out in winter white in an effort to not distract, clash or take away from all of the bold colors and themes going on.

Oh and let's discuss my stylish hat shall we? It provided the perfect pop of color with the red rose embroidered on the side basically giving a wink to all of the other hues of reds going on throughout our home. And, it also really added a beautiful contrast to all of our Master Bedroom shots which was a sea of winter whites and metallics.

I still can't believe with my current hectic film schedule, I was able to find the time once again to pour into my own creative endeavors and produce both a photo and video shoot for the holidays.
I truly hope you all thoroughly enjoyed the video, the creative work put into creating and producing it and the driving thoughts behind it. In addition, I hope you all enjoyed the photos above and the many more I'll continue to share throughout the holiday season. Make sure you're following all of my social media platforms on both Facebook and Instagram, as I'll be sharing tons more holiday photos over there as well up until mid or late January.
And, remember the holidays be it a traditional or non-traditional celebration for you and your loved ones, can truly be spent in whatever way that works best for you and your family. Because that's just what Christmastime is...a time to be spent doing what we love with whom we love. As for me and mine's, in the words one of my favorite Christmas songs sung by Mariah Carey and John Legend in my video...
"And, me and you gon' have ourselves a holiday! And, we don't need nobody else to celebrate! And, we gon' kiss our worries and our cares away! I can't wait. Because it's Christmastime!"
Happy Holidays Everyone!
"I believe a person's home should be a true reflection and extension of their personal taste and style...with beautiful collected pieces that compliment who they are, what their interests are, and what makes them feel good."
Principal Designer & Proprietor
Tachic Hickman-Piazza
Tachic Hickman-Piazza is a creative in every sense of the word. A professional Filmmaker with an Associate of Science in Film & Video from Full Sail University with a career spanning the course of sixteen years of experience in the Entertainment Industry. Blogging is a personal and beloved extension of her years spent studying creative writing for television and film.

Yet, Interior Design and all things Home Decor are two of her greatest passions, outside of Filmmaking. To learn more about Tachic and her journey into the world of Design, please visit her ABOUT page by clicking here.
To view one of her most ambitious design projects to date where Tachic merged both creative worlds of Filmmaking and Interior Design, all while proudly wearing the mantle of both Designer & Executive Producer, with the release of her House Piazza Home Tour video, click here.